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Dr Andrew Power image
Dr Andrew Power, Associate Professor in Geography at University of Southampton, is the principal investigator on the project. He is interested in research on personalisation and working inclusively with disabled people.
Prof. Melanie Nind image
Prof. Melanie Nind, Professor of Education at University of Southampton, is Co-Investigator on the project. She has a strong background in inclusive research with people with learning disabilities.
Dr Ed Hall image
Dr Ed Hall, Associate Professor of Geography at University of Dundee, is a Co-Investigator on the project and will focus on the Scotland case-studies.
Dr Alex Kaley image
Dr Alex Kaley is the Research Fellow at University of Dundee. Since starting, she has taken up a position at Lancaster University but is still involved in the project.
Dr Hannah Macpherson image
Dr Hannah Macpherson is the Research Fellow at University of Southampton. She has a background in creative art-based research with adults with learning disabilities.
Dr Andy Coverdale image
Dr Andy Coverdale is the Research Fellow in Education at University of Southampton.

In addition to the research team, we have an advisory group with members spread across England and Scotland. These involve adults with learning disabilities, advocates from disability advocacy organisations and support organisations.

Some of the advisory groups members have been involved from the outset, through a local Southampton Inclusive Research platform, SPIRIT, in helping to conceive of the research project. Once the project got underway, the advisory group expanded to include more members, and these members have helped shape the research questions, design the research methods and materials, and participate in analysis and dissemination activities.