Impact event discussion
Our impact event generated some great round table discussions, and key thoughts were noted and displayed for everyone to view over lunch and coffee breaks.
Start with the community build upwards
Confusion about benefits creates fear of change
Isolation recurring theme
Can be difficult to get information to people that are isolated about the tings available to reduce that isolation
Information to help from local orgs.
Isolation & is my voice being heard
Communities not working. Buses local services being cut
Flexible support (no timetables)
Independent living - "7 years from moving out with mum." More independent, parent lives also become more independent. Working well
'Debilitated landscapes of care"
Challenges to care - travelling long distances for specialised care - isolated from family & friends
Learnt how important Self Advocacy is. Why does it take losing service to have to be the trigger?
University programmes UK
"Same old conversations"
Experience, When some support change people can grow and self-build more
Not new! Matches lived experience
The importance of knowing what is out there and how to access
Listening today, although things are tough, people are very positive
Learnt to meet new people
Share the vision. Bookshop in Scotland. Electric Umbrella in Watford.
We're still saying the same things we've been saying for years...
Importance of building confidence connections
Advocacy - in a group enables individual advocacy. Finding your voice, not people pleasing
Lack of funding
What have we learned so far? Geographical differences - smaller communities - large cities - differences
Getting to talk to other people - an awareness of other people & organisations
Cutting funding as people become more independent
Rural Scottish communities - small towns more isolated. More on offer in bigger towns
Learnt it is a common goal to lead a 'normal life' as in 'my life'
Support should not create dependency. Encourage independence and self-reliance
Independence does not have to mean you can do everything by yourself and can mean having control of how you do things
Can't live the life you want
Important for people's voices to be heard - but just because they've been heard, doesn't necessarily mean they're been listed to and acted on
2001 valuing people. Media have people & groups competing. System ??? don't help they don't speak each other
Attitudes are important
Learnt, how important Self Advocacy is. Why does it take losing service to have to be the trigger?
Resource pack may be useful for our advocates in their work with the people we support - useful for reviews, managing the day etc.
We need to go to these things more often to learn what other groups are going through
Milton Keynes Development community houses & community workers in the 1970s
Learnt to do maths
(Infographics) need one page 'facts' to take to ministers - they might listen then to ppl with LD
Work out - who needs to change? & what will they listen t? (e.g. numbers, stories) (facts)
One thing you can do is run your own business (like Barod research)
Less talk, more action - no good talking about it and then doing nothing
Confidence has grown - able to put myself forward for more activities - For example. Special olympics football. "I'm the number one goalie"
How does a family use the assessment process creatively. How do you get a good social worker?
Transport issues to groups - within rural areas of Scotland. Accessible transport
People new better at listening in the UK than in the USA
Difficulty to organise changes to timetable for week - rigid
Professional identities vs. Learning disability identities
Self advocacy social movement
It's not about my priorities (as someone who doesn't have a learning disability)
Microproviders in rural areas
Understand the commissioning process - free up the commissioners. Influence them
Starting to hang out with people my age - as confidence increases
Co-production research methods