Finding Out Information

Find information about a topic or issue by searching online.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Digital, Literacy (using words)
Additional resources you might need: Web access
Resource sheets
Guide to searching online (G9)

Discuss how you find out about activities and support in your local area.
Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: 30-60 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Refreshments

Let people you know such as family members and support workers keep you up to date with what is going on.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Networking, Social

Share information and keep up to date with your friends through texting or phoning each other.
Type of activity: Supporting each other
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Digital, Literacy (using words, Networking
Additional resources you might need: Mobile phone

Join and develop online social networks with friends and family to share information and keep up to date.
Type of activity: Supporting each other
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Digital, Networking
Additional resources you might need: Web access
Resource sheets
Information Sheet: Online social networks (10)

Keep in touch and up to date with disability groups and service providers online.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Digital, Networking
Additional resources you might need: Web access
Resource sheets
Information Sheet: Organisations online (11)

Organisations can provide newsletters to keep their members up to date. Members can get involved in creating these.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Design, Digital, Publishing, Writing
Additional resources you might need: Computer, e-mail address
Resource sheets
Information Sheet: Newsletters (12)

Arrange visits to disability groups and service providers and look out for events like open days.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Social
Additional resources you might need: Phone, Transport, Web access
Resource sheets
Information Sheet: Visiting providers (13)

Find groups and organisations that provide specialist guidance and advice.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Digital, Social
Additional resources you might need: Phone, Web access

Check if there is an online directory of services in your area. Organisations should make sure they are included.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Digital
Additional resources you might need: Web access

Campaign to make information available, accessible and up-to-date.
Type of activity: Organising and campaigning
Who the activity is for: Organisation, Community
Skills and knowledge: Campaigning, Collaboration, Communication, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Community resources, Organisational resources
Resource sheets
Guide to campaigning (G1)