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Bus or train seats

Become more independent by learning how to travel on public transport.

Alfie Chapman, Unsplash

Type of activity: Training
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Planning routes, Reading timetables
Additional resources you might need: Mentoring and support, Training resources

A train station

Plan routes by public transport and create guides for your organisation.

Xiaoxia Xu, Unsplash

Type of activity: Project
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Peer support, Planning, Project management, Teamwork
Additional resources you might need: Cameras, Computer, Web access

Bus passengers

Discuss how you get around in your local area and your experiences of using public transport.

Pau Casals, Unsplash

Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: 30-60 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Refreshments

A woman sitting on a bus

Consult with public transport companies or local authorities on disability awareness and provide training.

VH S, Pexels

Type of activity: Advocacy
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Problem solving, Project management, Training and consultancy
Additional resources you might need: Organisational resources

A row of bicycles

Learn about cycling safety and keeping your bike secure.

Nick Gordon, Unsplash

Type of activity: Training
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Cycling proficiency, Cycle security, Road safety

A cycle route sign

Check out cycle-friendly routes in your local area.

Gemma Evans, Stocksnap

Type of activity: Taking action
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Digital, Map reading, Road safety
Additional resources you might need: Web access

A bus and a tram in a city centre

Invite or visit a public transport company or local authority transport department.

Harrison Qi, Unsplash

Type of activity: Getting advice
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Networking, Planning and organising
Additional resources you might need: Transport, Venue

People waiting at a bus stop

Campaign for better public transport services.

Alex Motoc, Unsplash

Type of activity: Organising and campaigning
Who the activity is for: Organisation, Community
Skills and knowledge: Campaigning, Collaboration, Communication, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Community resources, Organisational resources

Resource sheets

Guide to campaigning (G1)

A pedestrian crossing

Keep safe as a pedestrian by learning about road safety.

Anthony Young, Unsplash

Type of activity: Training
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Road safety