Running A Home

Make a list of hopes and concerns about moving into your own home and living independently.
Type of activity: Planning and reviewing
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Suggested duration: 20-40 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Decision making, Planning, Reflective thinking, Self-assessment
Additional resources you might need: Pen and paper
Resource sheets
Template: Hopes & Concerns (T4)

Discuss your experiences or expectations of living independently and running your own home.
Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: 30-60 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Refreshments

Look for training courses where you can learn independent living skills.
Type of activity: Training
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Digital, Networking
Additional resources you might need: Phone, Referrals, Web access
Resource sheets
Guide to searching online (G9)

Make a weekly rota of activities such as cooking, cleaning and shopping. Include what support you have or may need.
Type of activity: Planning and reviewing
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Suggested duration: 15-30 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Planning, Self-assessment
Additional resources you might need: Pen and paper
Resource sheets
Template: My Week (T2)
Template: My Home (T6)

Set up or join a healthy eating course to learn about keeping a healthy and balanced diet.
Type of activity: Training
Who the activity is for: Individual, Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Cooking, Food preparation
Additional resources you might need: Kitchen facilities

Share healthy recipes and tips on cooking with friends and family.
Type of activity: Supporting each other
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Cooking, Food preparation, Health and wellbeing, Peer support
Additional resources you might need: Camera, Computer, Web access

Help look after the planet. Check out your local recycling services and learn which materials can be recycled.
Type of activity: Taking action
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Housekeeping, Recycling
Additional resources you might need: Web access

Make a checklist for keeping safe and secure in your home.
Type of activity: Planning and reviewing
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Suggested duration: 20-40 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Security
Additional resources you might need: Pen and paper
Resource sheets
Template: My Home (T6)

Discuss how you keep safe when you are at home and what concerns you might have.
Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: 30-60 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Refreshments

Invite or visit your local Fire Service to learn about fire safety.
Type of activity: Getting advice
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Networking, Planning and organising
Additional resources you might need: Transport, Venue
Resource sheets
Guide to getting professional advice (G4)

Make sure you have a smoke alarm fitted in your home. You may qualify for a free smoke alarm and a fire safety visit.
Type of activity: Taking action
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Fire safety
Resource sheets
Information Sheet: Smoke Alarms (39)