Managing Benefits And Money

Find out where to get advice, guidance and support on personal finances and benefits.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Digital, Networking
Additional resources you might need: Phone, Web access
Resource sheets
Guide to searching online (G9)

Review your current weekly budget - what you spend and what you can save.
Type of activity: Planning and reviewing
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Suggested duration: 20-40 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Managing and saving money
Additional resources you might need: Calculator, Pen and paper
Resource sheets
Template: My Weekly Budget (T25)

Invite or visit professional advisors to discuss your personal finances and benefits.
Type of activity: Getting advice
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Networking, Planning and organising
Additional resources you might need: Transport, Venue
Resource sheets
Guide to getting professional advice (G4)

Learn about handling money through taking on a volunteering role (e.g., using a till in a shop or cafe).
Type of activity: Training
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Managing money, Numeracy (counting, adding etc.)

Look out for any disability spending or discount schemes for shops, cafes and leisure facilities in your local area.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Managing and saving money, Social networking
Additional resources you might need: Web access