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Lots of sticky notes pinned to a board

Discuss and share your views on issues and topics that are important to you.

Patrick Perkins, Unsplash

Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Group
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Refreshments

Two flipcharts

Get involved in the planning and running of activities and services in an organisation.

Skitterphoto, Pixabay

Type of activity: Advocacy
Who the activity is for: Individual, Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Problem solving, Teamwork
Additional resources you might need: Organisational resources

A woman reading a map

Network with regional and national learning disability groups and forums.

Dominika Roseclay, Pexels

Type of activity: Advocacy
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Collaboration, Problem solving, Social networking
Additional resources you might need: Organisational resources

A woman with a clipboard

Develop training and consultancy opportunities, such as disability awareness and quality checking.

Kristin Hardwick, StockSnap

Type of activity: Advocacy
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Problem solving, Project management, Training and consultancy
Additional resources you might need: Organisational resources

A pot filled with coloured pens

Design a leaflet or a poster about a key topic or issue.

Jeffrey Betts, StockSnap

Type of activity: Project
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: 1-2 days
Skills and knowledge: Design, Digital, Project management, Writing
Additional resources you might need: Art and design materials, Cameras, Computer

A man pointing a video camera

Make a video about a key topic or issue.

Terje Sollie, Pexels

Type of activity: Project
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: Up to a week
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Digital, Planning (storyboarding), Project management
Additional resources you might need: Computer, Video and sound equipment, Video editing software

A large group of people with their hands up

Campaign about issues important to people with learning disabilities.

Brodie Vissers, Burst

Type of activity: Organising and campaigning
Who the activity is for: Individual, Group, Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Campaigning, Collaboration, Communication, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Community resources, Organisational resources

Resource sheets

Guide to campaigning (G1)