Keeping And Feeling Safe In The Community

Discuss how you keep safe while you are out in the community and what concerns you might have.
Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: 30-60 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Refreshments

Arrange to support each other when you are out and about.
Type of activity: Supporting each other
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Networking, Peer support, Social
Additional resources you might need: Phone, Social media
Resource sheets
Ideas Sheet: Peer support out and about (50)

Invite or visit community police for advice and guidance on keeping safe when out and about.
Type of activity: Getting advice
Who the activity is for: Organisation
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Networking, Planning and organising
Additional resources you might need: Transport, Venue
Resource sheets
Guide to getting professional advice (G4)

Add important and useful contacts to your mobile phone. Keep it charged and topped up and with you when you go out.
Type of activity: Taking action
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Suggested duration: 15-30 minutes
Skills and knowledge: Digital, Personal safety
Additional resources you might need: Mobile phone, Pen and paper

Carry contact details and any important health information with you when you go out.
Type of activity: Taking action
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support
Skills and knowledge: Personal safety
Resource sheets
Information Sheet: Contact details (53)

Find out about Safe Places schemes in your local area.
Type of activity: Finding information
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Personal safety
Additional resources you might need: Web access

Create a leaflet, poster or short video about keeping safe in the community.
Type of activity: Project
Who the activity is for: Group
Suggested duration: Up to a week
Skills and knowledge: Design, Digital, Film making, Teamwork
Additional resources you might need: Art and design materials, Computer, Video equipment and software

Check out these resources and discuss how you keep safe when you are online.
Type of activity: Discussion
Who the activity is for: Individual, Individual with support, Group
Skills and knowledge: Communication, Digital, Peer support, Problem solving
Additional resources you might need: Flipchart and markers, Pens and paper, Web access